Bac Pac eRo Backpack Review

Bac Pac eRo Backpack Vacuum For Home Use
Bac Pac eRo Backpack Photo

Bac Pac eRo Backpack Features

  • Powerful sleek modern design
  • Light weight easy way to clean your entire house
  • HEPA Filtration
  • 6 Attachments (4in Turbo Hand Tool, 12in Carpet Tool, 12in Bare Floor Tool, Dusting Tool, Upholstery Tool, & Combo Crevice Tool)
  • Extension wands combine to give users 6 feet of reach
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Bac Pac eRo Backpack Description

We've all had the experience of growing up with bulky, over sized vacuum cleaners that weigh a ton and make regular cleaning much more of a chore than it needs to be. The Bacpac Vac answers a decades-old call to make cleaning up faster and more fun, by doing away with the wheels and giving it a sleeker, smaller look that fits anywhere. You strap it to your back and attach your favorite brushes to get the work done with amazing speed and efficiency. The Bacpac Vac only weighs seven and a half pounds, meaning you can be kind to your back while breezing through your chore list. With an easily-accessible power switch right on the handle and the best HEPA filtration system around, you won't have to sacrifice power, size, or utility. It's a no-brainer: why waste time lugging your old vacuum up and down stairs, and around tight corners, when you could get the job done in half the time and none of the sweat?

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